About Dane
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you find something that will enhance your enjoyment of “ancient” movies as well.
How I became fascinated with the old movies
The first movie that I can remember seeing was “They Were Expendable” when I was 5 years old.

In those days you could enter the theater as soon as you bought your ticket, since it was continuous showing. My Mom and I entered about halfway through the feature. So we watched the movie starting in the middle. After the end came, the theater continues showing short subjects and previews of coming attractions and a news reel. Immediately the feature started playing again. When the plot came to where we entered, my mom was ready to leave, but I refused and clung to my seat .
I knew even at that age the only way to see a movie was from the beginning to the end, NOT from the middle to the middle.
Before the age of TV, movie houses were full of eager kids and adults craving entertainment. the movie was a safe place for your kids to be with each other or even alone unchaperoned.
By the time I was 20 years old I had seen over 1500 movies in movie theaters.
I hope to help many to enjoy these gems as much as I do
There are great lessons that these old movies gave that I hope you will come to appreciate as well.
I want to help people to find and appreciate these classic gems.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,